
Sunday, January 22, 2012


So I figured since I talk about style and fashion on a regular basis I’d actually show you people what I wear!

Please excuse the terrible quality photos...I take them in the mirror on the way out the door! And some you can’t see the whole outfit cause I’m all bundled up, but’s freaking cold out!

Saturday, January 21, 2012



Why does everyyyone try to take it away from us!

It boggles my mind that a place like Starbucks (where all us hipsters hang out) won’t allow tattoos or “unnatural” hair colours...

I always thought Starbucks was a place for the creative and unique to hang out, but apparently they aren’t allowed to work there! Why do people have such a problem with someone who wants to dye their hair pink? Or blue? Or purple!? Someone else’s hair colour has no effect on your life so why do you people care so much? I mean really...does someone else’s appearance matter to you sooo much that you feel a strong urge to bring it to the attention of the higher-ups? So they enforce silly rules that completely stifle all uniqueness within the work place?

I’ve had some people comment on my tattoos at work. The only ones you can see when I’m wearing my scrubs are the two little hearts on my wrists. Most people comment and say that they don’t normally like tattoos but those are actually kind of cute! That always brightens my day because it’s at least kind of helping to change their perception of tattoos. And once they start talking to me they understand that I am actually educated and that I just like to express my creativity and uniqueness on my body rather than the walls of my bedroom (since no one really enters my room except the boy and the bestie!). On the other hand you get the rare person who hates tattoos and they are not willing to budge on their opinion of them. I had one man, he was an elderly east indian man who has been living in Canada for the past 40 years, he was not a fan of tattoos at all. He told me even those tattoos might have meaning to me and I might like them, that they label me as someone who “sleeps around”. How two little heart tattoos on my wrists label me that way I’m not quite sure, but it just goes to show that some people will never change! I get that he’s “from a different time” and a different country and all, but here in Canada we don’t label those with tattoos as whores, we just don’t! People from all walks of life have tattoos, so that old saying: “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover” really does apply.

My friends and I are rather unique people if I do say so myself! We find ourselves intentionally avoiding things because they are “too mainstream” and we hate popular stuff. This is what we call HIPSTER. We all know it, and I’m proud to be a hipster! I want to dye my hair bright pink and show off my tattoos! I want to wear clothing that most others wouldn’t dare even try on! I wish more people would stop caring what others think. Who cares if someone stares at you for wearing combat boots with a leopard print maxi-dress? They’re just jealous cause they would never be able to pull off that outfit ;)

On another note:

I finally got a memory foam mattress topper for my bed (to help my back) and it’s soo comfy! I just put it on today and I’ve been sitting on it all evening. I can’t wait to sleep on it and see how my back feels in the morning!

I’ve also been waiting the TV guide channel for 35 minutes...I should probably pick something to watch now...

And it's weird that for once the title actually kind of goes with the post...though if you google it, it means something completelyyy is all the Sea Otter's fault.

Sunday, January 15, 2012


I was at Starbucks recently (big shocker there) and I saw this lady who was standing in line to order her drink. Now I looked at her and thought she was relatively well dressed and that she was wearing a really cute jacket...and then I looked down...

Why is it that some people just completely forget that shoes, are in fact, PART OF THE OUTFIT. I don’t get it! What goes through your mind when you put on a super cute outfit and then decide to pair it with a loooovely (sarcasm intended) pair of white running shoes. Like legit running shoes. Like I could go run a marathon running shoes...

I know that “life is a marathon” and that you need to be comfortable and what not...but is there something inherently wrong with a nice pair of leather boots? Or even some stylish sneakers? I’m not saying you have to wear heels everyday...or even flats! But why on earth would you think that your adorable outfit goes well with running shoes? The only thing that goes well with running shoes is a pair of track pants and a tank or t-shirt.

I also don’t get people who dress stylishly and then don’t accessorize. Is it really that difficult to throw on some earrings and a necklace? Statement jewelry rocks. Matchy matchy jewelry however is a terrible thing. I hate those necklace and earring sets. They bother me. A lot. I mean I buy those sets, but I would never wear all the pieces together...that just seems silly to me!

Nail polish is probably my favourite accessory. Yes. It is an accessory. Don’t question it.

I have a fairly large collection of nail polish now and it’s getting ridiculous...I don’t have anywhere to put it! I keep all my make-up and nail polish and brushes in a tool box I got from Home Depot. ‘Cause I’m thaaat cool. Eventually I’m going to put some mirrors up and moves all of it to my desk and keep it all neat and sorted, (but, anyone who knows me, knows that it will take me a very long time to actually do. And shortly after I complete that will become one big mess again!).

The bestie is heading back to school sooon. She’s taking a hair cutting/styling course and I can’t wait for her to do my hair! I want to dye it pink! I’ve been blonde foreverrr. I was born blonde and have only strayed from it a couple of times... I went dark brown twice, and I went red once and purple once. Yes. Purple.

I wear scrubs to work and everyone knows I hate being all uniformed! I like being unique and original and I hate when people try to take that away from me. People shouldn’t wear uniforms and be all the same. It stifles creativity and makes work less enjoyable! Unhappy employees = lesser quality of work, which = unhappy why are uniforms necessary?

I’m a little afraid to show up to work one day with pink I’ll probably start with a lighter baby pink and take it from there!

___________ Here is one of my most popular nail designs! __________

Gotta catch 'em all, right?