Once again, I will state, Sea Cucumbers are a very strange species.

Topic of discussion today: Kitties! :)
I have a kitty, she's been with me for 14 years! :) Her name is Whisker's and she's probably the most special thing in my life! Sometimes she can be a ve
ry grumpy old lady, but eventually she'll always come crawl into my bed and sleep beside me. It's nice when you come home at 2:00am and your kitty is sitting on the couch waiting for you to go to bed. When I come home at that hour everyone else is already in bed, so I'll go check my facebook quickly, brush my teeth and go to bed, and by the time I actually make it to my bedroom, my kitty will have moved from the living room and is already sitting on my pillow waiting for me :)
It's nice to have a constant companion, I actually don't really remember life without her, cause I've had my kitty since I was 5 years old! So, we've pretty much grown up together :) <3
Kitties tend to gravitate towards warm objects. Like, stereos and computers! My kitty has a favourite place to sit, and it happens to be on top of the stereo in our living room. She sits there and usually faces the wall and looks like she's shunning the world or something. She also tend to follow my daddy around...he doesn't even really like any of the pets we own, but that just means they all want to sit with him. So, if my kitty isn't sitting on my laptop or the stereo, she's sitting on my daddy or my bed.

Oh yeah! And I just got a brand new iPhone 4! :D It makes me happy, the games are helping to take away my boredomness! And, its nice to be able to actually see webpages and not have it take an hour to load like my old phone, and the facebook app is very nice (Y).
Spent probably a good 2.5 hours sitting with a Sea Lion watching his little brother play video games last night/this morning. You know you're cool when you build a pig with a monocle and a top hat in minecraft, and drag a gnome throughout an entire level in half life! 'Twas good fun :)
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