Over the past little bit I've developed quite a fetish for nail polish...
...Like not even kidding...
I can't stop painting my nails in different ways. I get bored way too easily and if my current coat of paint doesn't go with what I'm going to wear next I HAVE to re-paint them. I basically do a different style every day or two...and it's not just soli
d colours (cause that would be waaay to boring) it ends up being whatever colours I decide will go with my outfit at that moment in time!

And I have discovered the most awesome thing every when it comes to nail polish...it totally owns the crap out of nail polish that just won't dry! The boys are probably laughing right now, but for women it's probably one of the most annoying things in the world...nail polish that won't dry is such a pain in the ass! You get finger prints all over it and if you touch something you get dents in the nail polish and it's ridiculous! But I found this amazing stuff at Sephora a while ago, it's called Sephora by O.P.I. quick dry spray, and it comes in a little 60ml (2 Fl.Oz.) spray bottle and it's honestly one of the best products I've ever bought. I think it's like $16 for the spray bottle that will last a couple months (even if you paint your nails every day like me!). So ladies, I suggest that you pick that spray up the next time you make a trip to Sephora...it literally dries your nail polish instantly and it really saves you a lot of time!
(Might also make a great stocking stuffer!)
Now I've told quite a few people that I'm done with tattoos for a while...so I'm sticking to that!
I have one idea for a tattoo that I want, but it's quite different than all the other ones I have so I told myself I'm going to think about it, and if I still want it in a year from now, I'll get it! So by the time my birthday rolls around next year, if I still want it, then it will be my birthday present to myself. Sounds silly that for my birthday I want to go sit in a chair and put myself through 2+ hours of pain, but any one with a tattoo will understand! :)
On another note:
Soooooo much politics at work it's getting ridiculous. I will never understand why people let themselves get so bitter that they have to pick on people for no reason whatsoever. Just a tip for anyone with authority in an office...if you want your employees to actually work and do their job well...try not treating them like crap! There is no one on the planet who has a strong desire to do their best for someone who hates your face! Seriously people...lets get back to basics and "treat others the way you want to be treated". Sounds so elementary, but it seems rather forgotten these days.
And apparently I've gotten so pasty that I actually cannot find a liquid foundation that is light enough for me. Even porcelain is too dark. #whitegirlproblems.