So last night the most epic game of costume laser tag was held...we all got some pretty strange looks but we raaaped. 3 games and 2 high score players in our group! And the rest of us were mostly ranked at the top, so we did pretty well ;)
After laser tag we all went to Applebee's for dinner/drinks and it was nice to talk with everyone again! You kind of realize after high school that no one just really gets together and talks anymore. Birthdays are a nice way to get people together, cause if it's just a "hang out" rather than a party some people decide they just don't "feel like it" or something and you don't get to see people! But everyone gets brought together again for birthdays, and I've got at least 3 more birthdays to attend before the end of the year! So I should get some socializing in there somewhere!
Do any other girls find painting your fingernails to be a pain in the ass? I always end up touching something and screwing up the freshly painted coat that I just put on :/ even when I try to be super careful! I tend to have to paint my nails a couple times before I can get it to look okay (and not have any strange indents or fingerprints in the polish...) but when I was at Sephora the other day (with the Sea Otter!) I saw this stuff sitting beside the stand of nail totally made my day! It's called quick dry spray and it pretty much makes it so your nail polish dries in like 10 seconds. I put some nail polish on in the store to try it, sprayed my nail with the quick dry spray...then touched it like 5 seconds later and it was completely dry! So I'm super happy now because I don't have to spend a million years painting my nails :) and yes boys, I know you don't care...but for most girls this is a big deal! ;)
Oh and I also have realized I'm not so great at applying fake eye-lashes...I bought some little ones and I could not for the life of me get them put in the right spot! Took me like a half-hour yesterday to get them to look decent for the party! And now I'm going out again tonight (cause it's Halloweekend!) and I put them on again, and they look better today than they did yesterday...but I still need a lottt more practice!

Mexican Bulldog ^^^