I have 5 tattoos in total now :) and I'm in love with all of them!
Some people say "Why would you want to deface your body w
ith all that graffiti?", but it isn't graffiti, it's art work! I quite like my art collection
and I don't really care if other people don't. I'm getting my tattoos because I want them there to represent something in my life or something that has
happened in my life. Some people see you a little differently if you have tattoos. They don't always approve and think you're some sort of rebel child and are just out to cause trouble. They're more accepted now than they used to be, but there will always be those old fashioned ones out there! But you know what, most of these people who do
n't approve of an art collection on the body have large art collections in their houses. To me its a lot the same, when you invite people over to your house the
y see all your artwork and can take it one way or another. It's the same with tattoos! If they are visible then its like inviting someone to your house. You're showing them something you're proud of and want them to see, even if they won't like it. It's part of you, so its even more special! :)
I guess I should probably post some pictures of my tattoos now :P
--- (posted in the order I got them) ---

Went to the beach yesterdaaay :) its so nice when its hot out! I'm pretty pasty at the moment, so I really needed that sunshiiine! I work inside in dim lit rooms all day and never see the sunlight, so its great when its sunny of the days I have off so I can get a little bit of a tan! Good times at starbucks and the beach with some friends, singing to good songs and playing football in the sun at the beach is pretty amazing (Y).
Glow in the dark/start of the summer party to be had at the end of this month :D so stoked.
Going to be wearing allll white with white shuttershades and some zebra print shoes, going to glow like crazzyyy with all the black lights :D its going to be a wicked party with a wicked playlist (Y).
Next time any of you go to starbucks you need to get my drink:
Venti white chocolate mocha frappuccino, two pumps hazelnut, two pumps caramel with caramel drizzle. It. is. amazing.
Had a nice date with my boyfriend (a.k.a. the Sea Lion) today :) went for a hike, had subway for "lunch" and then went to play some tennis before going to his house for dinner :) so much easier to decide what to do when its sunny out :D <3
I thiiink I'm done, hadn't blogged in a long while so I thought I'd write some stuff for all the bored peoples out there with nothing else to do!