Just Another Sea Anemone
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Monday, May 14, 2012
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Sunday, April 15, 2012
NDP ads on YouTube. Seriously?
I find it ridiculous that political parties are now advertising on YouTube. It’s broadcast yourself, not your politics. I’m not a fan of product and service ads either, but political ads are taking it too far. I honestly could care less about politics... All the parties suck. When you go to vote you really are choosing the lesser of the evils. There is no real stand out winner to pick, all of them have issues and all of them lie and make promises they can’t keep! I prefer to keep my social media and video streaming sites politic-free!
Anywaaay, speaking of YouTube... I’m thinking of starting a VLOG. Yeah. I’ll obviously keep this blog going too, but I miiight try my hand at making videos! If you guys have any ideas for blog posts (or future vlog posts), let me know please!
I went to see another specialist last week. You would think it wouldn’t take a million years to figure out what is wrong with me, but nope... Still no answers. There can not be THAT many things to rule out before we come to a diagnosis! I mean it’s been a year and a half and I still have yet to find any relief... I mean you try not having a pain free day in a year and a half and still be all happy and not frustrated with the entire planet! Too much stress and I don’t like it.
God this is a depressing rant of a blog post! I promise I’ll post some less angry posts sometime soon. ;)
On another note:
My boyfriend is super awesome and helped his crippled girlfriend take a bunch of bottles to the bottle depot! We got a whole $8.35 back from that... And then we promptly spent most of it on an energy drink and some mountain dew. He’s pretty much what keeps me going. He always tells me everything will work out and be okay and gives me a massage when I need one (which is pretty much 24/7). I really don’t think I could survive without his awesomeness. :)
And on yet another note:
The rogers video store by my house (that shut down because Netflix is cheap and sooo much easier), will be turning into a fabric store! I’m excited because then I won’t have to drive like 20km to get fabric and I might actually start sewing again!
I’m going to challenge myself and try to buy all my clothing from a thrift store for the next 6 months! I’m going to do that so I can be über hipster and find stuff that no one else has. And when that fabric store opens I’m going to try to make some of my own clothing so that I’ll be super unique and have self made stuff that no one else can get!
Oh, and just because:
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Money money money. Ugh.
So I’m slowly realizing I make like $0/month. Not literally, but I usually have about $5 left over at the end of each month! I’m not even spending it on shopping and fun stuff... I’m spending it on food, chiro, massage, and physio. Oh, and my car. Ugh. Why is it that the necessities are so expensive? Like seriously... $50/visit for physiotherapy?
I found out a couple days ago that my physio is no longer covered by MSP, so instead of it costing $10/visit... it now goes up to the private fee of $50/visit! And my chiro is usually $10/visit, but when I called my physiotherapy office asking why I was no longer covered they told me that I can only get 10 visits of physio, chiro and massage (combined) each calendar year covered by MSP. So they have no idea why I’m still only paying $10 for my chiro... Since I’ve been going to chiro twice a month since November I should be paying the full $45/visit there as well! So now if I go to my chiropractor next week and they tell me I have to pay the full $45/visit there now too... I can’t afford it. I already should be seeing them more than I am, because their treatment only helps for a matter of hours after the visit right now! It sucks because if I cut out my chiro and/or physio it will cause more back pain than I already have... Which will make work a lot more difficult that it already is and I will end up cutting my hours which will cause me to be making even less money than I already am!
Oh and every doctor I visit still does not know what is wrong with me. So that’s even more fantastic! The rheumatologist says it’s not my joints, so it has to be my muscles. So now my GP is sending me to a naturopathic type doctor to see if he can figure out what’s wrong with me! So I have to wait 2 more weeks until that appointment... Ugh, ugh, ugh. Apparently ‘ugh’ is the theme of this blog post!
I’m enjoying my new job, it’s a lot less physically demanding than my old one and it’s great to be so close to home. I’m making a lot less money though, which is causing a lot of my stress... I’m making about half as much as I used to make. I’m thinking about getting a second job to pay for all my expenses, but I need to have at least one week day off to go to all my appointments. So I can only work one extra day/week! Not many places are hiring someone for just one day a week. And plus, my boss likes to have me available for any day so I can come in if he needs me! I’m not really sure how to go about finding this second job anyway... It was a lot of work to find this one! And if I do find one, it needs to be one I can physically handle, and I’ll probably end up going to physio and chiro even more, which costs more money and the circle goes on and on and on. This stress is also not helping my back at all, so it’s really just an infinite loop of ‘Ugh’.
Also, I really with I could go into my dream job of something in fashion (or even hair/make-up). But, I physically can’t. It really sucks when you know that even if you spend the $10,000-$15,000 on school to get to your dream job... It won’t matter because your body will not physically be able to handle the job.
My best friend is starting hair school in about a week, and I totally wish I could be joining her! I think it would be really awesome. But, until I’m diagnosed with something and start getting treatment that actually helps for more than a few hours (not to mention something that doesn’t completely wipe out my bank account!), I won’t be able to make any decisions regarding my future. I can’t afford to pay that much money for school when I know that I might not be able to handle the actual career. Ugh.
I really just can’t seem to win lately and it’s getting really frustrating. I have yet to find a solution to any of my problems, and no one else has an ideas either. UGH.
(On another note: I’m very happy I have a super awesome boyfriend to help me through all this! I love you babe <3).
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
First off: Wedddinngggsss. Yeah. Dangerous subject for women to be talking about! It get’s us all anxious for the boys in our life to propose! I’m like one million percent sure my current boyfriend is “the one”. I’ve never been with someone who makes me feel so happy! Even if I’m sad about something (usually some new health problem), he’s always there to make me laugh and smile and make me feel better. He’s always there for me and I love him for that :)
When we do decide to get married I pretty much know what I want in a wedding...all those damn wedding shows on TV these days has cause me to basically plan an entire wedding in my head...

Second: MY NEW SHOES. Oh...and I guess that new job type thing...
I hadn’t bought clothes or shoes in a while...I was in the process of changing jobs and stuff so I couldn’t buy anything because I didn’t know if I would have money for gas and food and what not for the next month! So now I have a steady job again and I’m stoked on it. My new job is pretty awesome! My boss is teaching me to make glasses and I’m doing all the minor repairs on glasses that people bring in. Most of that is just me tightening screws (or replacing them!), putting new temples on broken glasses, and replacing nose pads...but I’m actually enjoying it! I’m also doing a lot of the “chores” around the optical store. I open and close the store, and clean the windows every morning, and vacuum and sweep and any other cleaning that needs to be done! I also do things like filing, and organizing, but all in all I’m enjoying it and it doesn’t kill my back as much as my old job :)
Now...onto the shoes!
I saw them in Spring and I neeeeded them. There are a million other pairs of shoes I “need” too...but these ones were going to be my splurge for this month! They are a gorgeous pair of peep-toe, printed wedges and they are soooo comfortable! Any girl who likes heels but hates the pain...try a pair of wedges. I used to hate the look of a wedge heel, but it grew on me and now I love them :)
I’m in a strange organizational phase right now.
I organized all my make-up and nail polish...and holy crap did that ever take a long time! Girls know that when you put all your make-up in one box...and one freaking powder breaks apart...the entire freaaaking box gets freaking covered in that stupid freaking powder. So long story short I had to clean up every single item that came out of the tool box I used to keep everything in. Now it’s all beautifully organized on my desk (which used to just store crap, not actual useful things).
I also hung up about 1/3 of all my clothing before I ran out of space/coat hangers. It’s so much easier to get dressed in the morning when it’s all just there and ready to be worn. I have a whooole bunch of other clothing that needs to be hung up, but I don’t have any more space in my tiny little room...so I need to move out and get a real closet!